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DayOne prides itself on the fact that when you work with us you can talk directly with the graphic designers. There’s no middle man. It means when you have a question or vision you can email/message us directly. Our response time is quicker, there’s no waiting around for emails or someone that’s never even seen your project letting you know that they’ll have to get back to you. So we think it’s only fair you get to know us and meet the creatives!

We’ve put together a few questions about our work at DayOne for you to get to know us better. Finally, we introduce you to our junior designer – Gemma. Our resident Gen Z.

1.What is the most rewarding aspect of being a graphic designer at DayOne

When the client specifically mentions that they love the work you’ve done or they use something you’re particularly proud of, it’s a great feeling.

2.What’s your favourite typeface?

Probably Scale VF as it’s a variable font so it’s versatile and it’s just nice and clean. There are also many variations of this particular font so you can use it for headings and body copy, etc. However I also really like The Seasons at the moment as well!

*The images in this journal are examples of Gemma’s favourite fonts

3. How do you stay updated with current graphic design trends and techniques?

I follow a lot of design accounts on Instagram and LinkedIn, so I’m constantly fed inspiration and mini tutorials whilst scrolling on social media. I’ll always save stuff I’m interested in so I can have another look and try it out when I’ve got spare time. 

4. What tool or software do you use the most?

I’m an Illustrator fan through and through. Before I started at DayOne, I hated it and couldn’t get along with it at all but I had to persevere and now it’s definitely what I use the most day to day!

5. What project are you most proud of at DayOne, and why?

Seeing our C4 x reorg WH Smith takeovers at Victoria and Waterloo was definitely a great experience and so surreal to see something I’d done so early into my career out in public like that. Therefore, I’d probably have to say that. But I’m also proud of some of the 3D work I’ve done for various clients at DayOne as it’s great to bring in a new skill to the team to show off our work.

6. What’s a design trend you’re excited about right now?

I’ve really enjoyed seeing doodles, illustrations and hand-drawn elements incorporated into digital design, to give it a bit more of a human touch. I feel like it’s a nice way to keep the design authentic despite the advancements in us using AI technology, etc (which by the way is an absolute lifesaver thank you Adobe Firefly🙏🏼). I’m also loving seeing retro 70s style design and illustration coming back.

7. What’s your biggest design ick?

When someone uses a logo template to create their logo and then subsequently their branding. It tends to be really obvious and means that your logo may turn out the same as someone else’s! This completely defies the purpose of creating a brand identity. There are lots of beginner design apps that have their place for creating quick/efficient simple documents or presentations but it has no place in branding.

8.Who’s killing it in the office?

Couldn’t possibly pick as I want to be in everyones good books :slightly_smiling_face: but Anthony because he buys us pizza

9. How did you go from Grad to Designer?

Once I graduated I put in a lot of time and effort making my portfolio stand out and making myself known to various different agencies around me. Thankfully Anthony loved my portfolio and I was lucky enough to get the chance to come and intern at DayOne, within 3 weeks I was promoted to junior designer and the rest is history!

10. Whats your favourite Gen Z work abbreviation?

Dezzy B (Design Brief) or Lunchy B (lunch break)

Want to know more about the DayOne creatives? Read Anthony’s interview here!


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